The Authentic Blazing Palm Strike

Those who practiced Tactics of the Blaze were definitely not afraid of high temperature, which was incredibly handy because people would always have to deal with extreme temperatures while spending time in the outer space.

Both fighters were allowed to make one request for this battle, and it seemed like Wang Tong was quite happy about Lie Wushuang’s idea. Perhaps the higher environmental temperature would be able to strengthen the sheer cold power that he had recently unlocked.

Meanwhile, the students of every military academy seemed to have gathered at their own auditoriums, and were patiently waiting for the live stream to begin. In the beginning, the teachers were not that interested. But ever since Einherjar Wannabe and his unrivaled capabilities gradually rose to fame, they immediately became interested and even noticed that they were able to enhance the observation skills of fellow students through watching Einherjar Wannabe’s battle.