Super Einherjar

Through centuries of scientific development, the Earthling and the Kaedeian individuals were finally equipped with necessary means to overcome Zergs in one on one combat. However, the Zerg race held a decisive advantage over the humans in their number.

The Zergs were capable of consuming an entire planet, since they could multiply infinity and rapidly. Even the newest mass destruction weapons seemed to fail to wipe out the Zergs completely.

Wang Tong took a shower after his routine cultivation; his mood was brightened by the comfortable life the new apartment had offered.

Charcoal also enjoyed the new environment, as he repeatedly circled the room like a kid in a new house. Charcoal's company comforted Wang Tong when he laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling blankly to let go of his stress. As Wang Tong did so, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a dark ghostly apparition; the haunting image spurred him out of his bed as he screamed hysterically like a little girl.