The Jade City

The effect lasted on Ye Zi for more than ten minutes.

"Hehe… Do you like it? Feels good, right? "

"Yes, it was amazing!" Having said that, she was not entirely caught off guard by Wang Tong's yet another surprising ability. By then, she was convinced that he could do anything that he claimed he would, regardless of how preposterous the claim sounded.

"Hehe… Actually, I have a small favor to ask." Wang Tong said reluctantly, embarrassment written all over his face.

Ye Zi failed to suppress a snicker. "What do you want? I can't imagine that you would ever need my help."

"It is difficult for us to recruit more Mastery casters, especially with our financial situation. I was wondering if you could be kind enough to talk to the Divine Mastery Sect and see if they could lend us some mastery casters?" Wang Tong asked.

"Why do you ask me? I am just a lowly field medic."