Rat From The Sewer

No one was willing to back out of Wang Tong's plan. Although they were young girls, they possessed more courage than most men.

"Very well! From this day on, let us forge our bonds in the fires of hell. Till death do us apart!" Wang Tong joked.

"From THIS day on? I thought we were already bonded!" Xiao Ling exclaimed dramatically

Michaux heard the banters and laughter while he stood outside; he knew the girls had made their decision. He knew that all of his field medics were fearless heroines; otherwise, they wouldn't have made the cut in the first place.

If not for other duties that Michaux had to attend to, he might have joined Wang Tong's plan himself.

"Thank you, Michaux! I think it is time for me to leave."

"There is no rush. Let them pack up so you can leave with them tomorrow." Michaux suggested. 

"Haha, sure! Might as well." Wang Tong nodded. The sun was setting, and traveling alone in the dark could be dangerous.