Stab Me With Your Little Sword!

Heavengod Time?!

The name made the whole city buzz. After all, it was taboo in the Chaos Space, let alone in the city under Heavengod Transmigration.

Ever since Heavengod Time's return, the atmosphere in the Chaos Space had been a little weird. Now, everyone knew that he was going to settle scores with Heavengod Transmigration.

Er Ha's body was very weak, but that was nothing compared with the wound in his heart. However, it was quickly recovered. He did not care. Although the time they spent together was short, what happened was no doubt a baptism for his soul.

A spicy strip dangled from the corner of his mouth, trembling.

In any case, he did not suffer any loss. Was he betrayed? No! He was the one who gave another man a green hat! The girl was this ancient Heavengod's wife before they met. He just hated the fact that he became so crazy for her.