The Heaven-Defying Enhanced Fortune Flatbread!

Fortune Flatbread was a means Bu Fang had developed a long time ago. However, as his cultivation base grew, its effect was no longer as good as before, and it was eventually forgotten by him.

Its effect was heaven-defying, but that was under the circumstances when one's cultivation base was not strong. At the level of Heavengods, it could no longer provide fortune, or rather, the fortune needed by a Heavengod could not be achieved by a Fortune Flatbread.

As a result, Bu Fang modified it. He was the creator, after all, so it was not a difficult job for him, not to mention that he was assisted by Niu Hansan who was an expert in research. After adding Chaotic Energy, the enhanced Fortune Flatbread was completed.

This was also the first time the enhanced Fortune Flatbread had been unveiled, and on such an important occasion.