Who Is the Better Actor?

"Arrogance is human nature."

The Gengjin Tiger King finally stood up, with a gaze reeking with sarcasm.

"Fool! You thought I couldn’t tell you were faking your weakness? I’m simply playing along with your trick. In fact, it is Hundred Herbs Sect that will get wiped out today!"

The Gengjin Tiger King gave out a violent roar, causing a tremor throughout Changchun Peak.

He stretched out his front limbs, forcefully stretching out towards the peak. Instantly, demonic energy spiraled over the mountain, endless lightning struck, and his front paws morphed into a gigantic claw of pure metal stretching out across the horizon.

The metallic claw was truly enormous in size, as it grabbed hold onto the mountain in one sweep.

A mountain thousand of meters high was within the grasp of a metallic claw. With the mountain held tightly in its palm, the surrounding clouds and fog were effectively dissipated.