
Inside the Hidden Dragon Gorge facing Mu Jihai's Icy Blaze Abhijna, Xiao Budian dealt with the assault calmly. The forces of wind and thunder surged through his entire body, and as his fists bumped together, the wind and thunder fused with his body, and he morphed into a spectral avatar over two meters tall.

Xiao Budian was enveloped by savage lightning bolts and howling cyclones. The ravaging force swept through the entire surrounding space, and even halted the advance of Mu Jihai's Icy Blaze.

Looking at his size, Xiao Budian was now larger and brawnier than before, albeit still much smaller than Song Qingyuan's size during the Two Bodies of Ice and Fire spell.

But the overpowering pressure and the staggering power it emanated was even stronger than Song Qingyuan's spell.

Based on physical strength alone, only Dou Kun could rival Xiao Budian among all the Aurous Core cultivators present there.