Curtain Call

Darkness was slowly descending on the City of Qing. The Sun turned a darker shade of blood red. Down below, rivers of blood flooded the streets.

Up in the air, a magnificent pair of giant wings looked evermore pale against the darkness of the clouds. Loose feathers fell onto the crowd, to whom Ling Xian appeared an Immortal.

All eyes were fixated on him. Besides adoration, envy, and fear, the one mutual feeling shared by every spectator in the crowd that day was respect.

Respect reserved for the Immortals.

After a long moment of pause, cheers suddenly erupted from all corners of the City.

"God bless, I can’t believe what I just witnessed! A mighty foundational cultivator slaughtered by a 15-year-old!"

"Unbelievable, Ling Xian is truly unbelievable! He is undefeatable!"

"Just imagine what the future has in store for him!"

Countless cultivators joined in unison to recognize the talent and potential of this youth.