Heaven’s Sigh

The Sword of Punishment sliced through the sky and the opportunity to kill presented itself.

Si Tu Nan’s expression was heavy. His black hair was tussling in the air as his fingers moved speedily, ready to launch his most remarkable technique.

Coldness was pouring out of his body. Within the radius of a mile, everything was starting to freeze over with thick frost. The entire area’s temperature was decreasing drastically.

Nine Continent Frost!

The coldness was permeating, and iciness was creeping. Whether it was the land or the sky, flowers or animals, anything and everything was turning into ice sculptures.

But of course, when the ice frost crawled onto the giant Sword of Punishment, it stopped.

The Sword of Punishment was trenchant enough to break mountains, split rocks, slice through the moon and pierce the Sun. Mere coldness was useless against it.