A Girl’s Mind

Staring at the ten scars on the Three Eyed Gold Lion’s body, the Elder’s entire face was shaken. He winced.

He knew Ling Xian was very powerful, more than anyone in the village. However, he really did not expect him to be this powerful!

Even though it would be an exaggeration to say that a Three Eyed Gold Lion can compete with an eighth realm beast, the lion sure had no problem dominating other beasts from the ninth realm. To think that Ling Xian only used ten moves to slaughter a Three Eyed Gold Lion!

How powerful and how capable was he?

Could it be… that he was already at the foundational level?

A guess flashed across the Elder’s mind. His eyes were filled with disbelief as he stared at the handsome young man.

How old was he this year?

The same age as Su Zi, he supposed. How could he be at the foundational level?