The Gathering of Heaven’s Favorites

The purple pillar of light from afar started to shed light from miles away. An earth-shattering rumble that disturbed the entire Vast Mountains followed.

Immediately, the wind blew, clouds scattered, sand dispersed, and rocks flung. At the exact moment the rumbling rocked the space, Heaven and Earth turned dark, and the pillar of purple light became the only light source in the entire universe.

The purple light grew slowly, exploding with a strange, depressing force that felt like a God’s palm was pushing down angrily.

The purple light was dizzying. First, it seemed soft and warm, then, it turned conquering. Everything, from mountains to rivers, from low-levelled beasts to undefeatable high-levelled monsters, fell into a sluggish state. As if they have stepped into quicksand, they struggled with all their strength but could not move one bit.

Thousands of birds and beasts roared out of agony and desperation.

A horrifying scene then happened.