Retreat of the Enemy

"I will give you one chance. If you recognize me as your master and bow down to be my servants, I will spare your lives."

Yue Lian Han’s gaze was indifferent and her pupils were cold. The demeanor of being in the foundational level was pouring out of her like tidal waves, crashing into every corner of this storage cave.

Hong dong dong!

The storage cave quaked, creating a tornado of dust and small rocks.

Ling Xian and Mo Qing Fu’s faces changed as they used their own bodies as defense. It was difficult to fight against this demeanor. It felt like a mountain was on top of them and despite all their efforts, they could not even move away by half a step.

"How are you feeling? As you can see, I have successfully moved up to the foundational level. It is only a matter of time before I become the leader of our generation. If you follow me as my servant, then one day your faithfulness will pay off and you will be known as my supporters."