Miraculous Effects

"What? You think I’d poison you?" Ling Xian frowned and glared at him, "If I wanted to kill you, I would not do it in a way that causes me this much trouble."

"No no, brother, you have misunderstood," Mo Qing Fu smiled wryly and explained, "I am not afraid you might poison me, I am just… just…"

"It’s a bit hard to believe?" Ling Xian looked at him teasingly.

Mo Qing Fu blushed a little, confirming Ling Xian’s comment.

Ling Xian smiled reassuringly and said, "Once you consume it, you will believe me. Don’t overthink it, this Dan’s effects will exceed your expectations."

Seeing how confident Ling Xian was, Mo Qing Fu grew certain. He thought this powerful youth before him might actually be able to achieve things beyond his imagination and cure him.

He thought about it, then he waved his hand, and the fragrant red Dan flew into his mouth. The moment it entered his body, the Dan turned into pure medicinal energy.