Sunset City

The Sunset City covered five thousand square miles of breathtaking landscapes. The land was renowned for its fertility and was home to an abundance of spiritual stones. It was considered a medium-sized city in the Zhou Dynasty.

The city’s beauty was most renowned at dusk during sunset, hence the origin of its name.

In this instant, the sun was setting above the city, turning the clouds blood red.

Inside a packed wine house…

A youth dressed in white was sitting close to a window, drinking unaccompanied and observing the magnificent sunset with a half-emptied glass of wine.

He was Ling Xian.

He had intended to go straight to the House of Wan Jian. But he realized the moment he landed at the transporting location of the Vast Mountains that he had no clue which way the House of Wan Jian was situated. So he chose randomly and ended up here.