The Path of Strength

All was magical inside the Painting of the Nine Immortals.

Ling Xian was utterly oblivious to the kerfuffle he had generated outside of the Painting as rumors regarding the Divine Book of Genesis spread like wildfire across Yunzhou. Many establishments within the Province had already sent out assassins to find and murder Ling Xian.

At this moment, his sole focus was on a page of the book. He closed his eyes and covered the sacred page in his energy, hoping to extract enlightenment from it.

According to legend, the book details 3,000 paths of cultivation. If one reached the end of any one path, that individual would be in control of one unconquerable power and reach the Lin Dian Peak.

There were thousands of paths waiting to be explored. However, to reach the end required much more than what an average cultivator had to offer. All conditions of nature, time, and place have to merge seamlessly before enlightenment could occur.