City of Yun Xiao

The City of Yun Xiao was located in the northernmost point of Zhou Dynasty. It was considered a mid-sized city similar to Sunset City, home to a select few foundational cultivators.

The Trade Convention has a regional office here. And these days, this office was preparing to host a large-scale auction.

For this reason, the residents of Yun Xiao would often see foundational level visitors descend into the city from the air, arriving from all corners of the land.

At this moment, the sun was rising, and streets were bustling with people.

A man and a woman paid 20 spiritual stones each and entered the city.

The man wore a black robe, his face hidden under a dome-shaped hat, exuding confidence.

The woman wore a long green dress, her face hidden behind a silk veil except for a pair of dark, almond shaped eyes. Her light steps accentuated her figure, hopelessly drawing glances from every man who walked past.

The visitors were indeed Ling Xian and Lin Qing Yi.