Wealthier than a Nation

"Hold on. I have an inquiry. I wonder if today’s auction allows bartering?"

A distinct and coherent voice rose from above. It was not a loud voice, yet it was as jolting as a bellowing thunder. Everyone at the auction ground froze in shock, then fell into a dead silence.

The boisterous debates began after a long moment of stillness. Everyone’s shocked gaze drifted to the third floor.

"It’s him! The mysterious man on the third floor!"

"You’re right. This person only bought one item and did not make another bid until now. I can’t believe it, he’s here for Water of the Resting Soul."

"I don’t care what he came here for. All I care about is that he isn’t willing to do Master Tang a favor? This is big news! It’s been years since someone disrespected Master Tang."

"Maybe he is just asking, not targeting Master Tang. Remember that Master Tang is an oblation to the Wu Prefecture with very honorable rankings, who dares to reject his request?"