Shi Ao Island

There are nine continents in the world. Out on the vast ocean outside these nine continents, floats 36 beautiful islands.

These were the islands known to be occupied by cultivators. There were also countless islands that were not mapped.

These 36 islands were dispersed throughout the borderless ocean and were not at all connected to the nine continents. Though they were still a part of the Taoism community, they were not involved with any political forces on land.

The nine continents have also never sent their army to these islands. This was for two reasons. One was that it was difficult to battle on water. Two was that there was not a lot of resources on these islands worth fighting for anyway. Due to these reasons, the nine continents and the 36 islands never bothered each other. Everyone on the island lived as if nobody lived on land, and those on the continents lived as if nobody lived on the ocean

Shi Ao Island was one of these 36 islands.