Feng Qing Ming!
The Pioneer of Ancient Arrays!
The weight of these few words was heavier than the Earth and higher than the sky!
Remember that since the history of time, there have been many cultivators who were able to rise above the common herd. To be gifted the title of the Pioneer of Ancient Arrays was both an honor and a recognition of his abilities!
From certain angles, Feng Qing Ming could be considered the strongest in history!
Of course, this statement is only established under the circumstance that he is allowed to set arrays. In the path of strength or enlightenment, Feng Qing Ming does not stand out. If he were to fight against the Keeper of Land and Sea, he would be killed within a hundred round.
However, if he was allowed to form the unpredictable and ghostly arrays he created, even the Keeper of Land and Sea is no match. She will most likely use all her strength and energy in trying to escape the trap and eventually be killed by Feng Qing Ming.