The Phoenix

In the sky, a blazing phoenix stood tall and straight, covering half the Sun. Its feather was as red as blood, sharp as knives and with every tiny flutter, it created a strong gust of wind that sliced through the cloud and swept all the debris off the ground!

A phoenix!

One of the most ferocious beasts in the world. Phoenixes have ancient majestic blood that grants them with a cultivation of the foundational level the moment they are born. Normally, by their teenage years, they would have reached the completion level. With their overpowering blood, they were a kind that was highly favored by the Heavens.

This particular phoenix had undoubtedly reached the completion level or else the atmosphere it created would not be this terrifying. Every movement of its wings created a turmoil of energy that shot off deadly heat. It was as if the heat waves could boil the sea, set the sky on fire, and scorch all living beings!