Bewildering the Thirty Six Islands

On top of the vast and endless ocean, floated 36 islands. On those islands, Heaven’s Favorites were born, and rare geniuses rose. Every single day, astonishing events occurred.

News circulated as to which Heaven’s Favorite defeated someone of the same level; who was close to becoming a foundational; or how a new record was being broken, etcetera, etcetera…

The conclusion was that there were many Heaven’s Favorites on the 36 Islands. Every single second, someone was accomplishing something of great shock and becoming the dinner table conversation starter.

However, when three consecutive news regarding Shi Ao Island was passed around, everyone on the 36 Islands fell into great shock.

If a Heaven’s Favorite defeated some rare genius, under a normal circumstance, it would become the talk of the town and resonate throughout the 36 islands.