Head Strong

"I sure want to see how you plan on getting rid of me."

As soon as the words were spoken, a god-like creature descended onto Earth and shattered the ground!

Immediately, everyone froze and sought after the source of the voice.

They saw a young man with a pair of pure white wings. His brows curved like a crescent moon, his complexion smooth like jade, and his entire persona was emitting a horrifying ambiance.

"Finally, someone who is unafraid to die has stepped out." The youth in blue revealed an evil smirk and belittled, "Your temperament isn’t bad, but your brain is broken."

"Whether or not my brain is broken, it is not something you can comment on." Ling Xian’s expression was icy cold as he began to float in midair. He looked down onto the people below. "I will ask you just one thing, will you, or will you not get out of the way of the garden’s entrance?"