A Shocking Plan

"As for payment, I can give you a spiritual medicine of your choosing from the Medicinal Garden of Immortality."

As soon as she made this offer, Ling Xian’s eyes flashed with heat. "This is far too tempting. It is hard for me to decline."

"Then it means you accept?" the lady in white faintly smiled.

"No, I must ask you what it is first." Ling Xian shook his head. He would never let himself fall into danger for a spiritual medicine. "If it is something you, the owner of the Medicinal Garden of Immortality, cannot even accomplish. What can I, a foundational cultivator, do?"

"This is a long story." The lady in white sighed. "That force just now. You felt it too, didn’t you? It was caused by a battle between me and someone else. That person, like you, came from the external world."

"From the external world?"