Undefeatable Foundational

Inside the stone room, the three Heaven’s Favorites knew that they only had one chance. Therefore, the move they made was their strongest technique.

The endless flame burned, the sharp sword soared, the five tall mountains free fell. All three techniques, without exceptions, were as overbearing as it could be as they shook all four directions.

On top of those was Di Tian’s three thousand demons. The combination of these four techniques truly shocked the Heaven and the Earth!

"How smart of you. You know one hit cannot wound me, and I can slice around as much as I like," Ling Xian complimented, his expression was like he was describing something trivial. He didn’t think anything of these four people’s attacks.

If this were the him from three days ago, facing the alliance of four Heaven’s Favorites, he wouldn’t dare to be reckless. But today, he was the undefeatable one from the foundational level, why would he see anything of these techniques?
