The Leaf of Everlasting Life

Inside the Medicinal Garden of Immortality, before a cabin.

The lady in white was looking refreshing, like a fairy. Forming a hand seal, she emitted a mysterious amount of energy. She was trying to taking back the 30% control of the garden.

After a while, that mysterious power faded away.

The lady in white turned around and admired the handsome young man before her. With a smile, she said, "Thank you for giving me back the control of the Medicinal Garden."

"You are being too kind. It seems like you gained back the control." Ling Xian grinned. After he walked out of the Manor of Light, he returned to the Medicinal Garden of Immortality and told the lady about the death of Di Tian.

"Yes, that person is now dead. Of course, I can get my control back." The lady in white nodded softly and smiled a smile that was soul crushing.

It was apparent how ecstatic she was.