Powerlessness and Desire

The Sun hung in the sky; it was exactly noon.

On the sandy beach, hundreds of silhouettes descended from the sky. Each and every single one of them was wearing blood-dyed robes and were out of breath. Their faces, however, were doused in happiness.

"Haha, I knew Master Ling would not waste our high expectations! I knew he would help us get away!"

"Yes, Master Ling is so powerful, I knew he would aid us in the escape."

"Haha, the feeling of being alive sure is nice. The Sun is so warm, so wonderful."

Everyone was relieved and the hopeless atmosphere dispersed. What replaced it was ease and hope.

Some people were even crying from joy. They sat on the ground weakly as tears rolled down their cheeks.

After all, they have experienced terror and desperation. To have gotten away today was a miracle that they were extremely happy about. Very quickly, however, they remembered their friends, masters, and the diminished House name. They fell silent.