Undefeatable Completion

Inside the Painting of the Nine Immortals, the earth was shattering into blocks as the rocks and debris were flung into the air from the quake.

Ling Xian’s black hair was tussling in the wind crazily and his eyes shone with jolting electricity. As if an almighty celestial being was descending, the nine heavens and ten hells were changing shapes!

The unparalleled amount of power seeped out of him and announced him as the owner of the Painting of the Nine Immortals. He did not purposely try to suppress himself, which was why this amount of power even exceeded the barrier of the Painting of the Nine Immortals and was transcended into the external world, astonishing all the beasts!

At this moment, countless beasts were crouching down in place. As if they were about to greet the emperor, they carefully kneeled onto the ground and didn’t even dare to breathe loudly.