The Backbone

It was nighttime. The sun had gone into hiding as the moon peeked out.

Soft wind blew across and made the Forest of Purple Bamboos rustle. Leaves of the bamboos drifted with the wind.

Over hundreds of silhouettes appeared in the Forest of the Purple Bamboos. Everyone's expression was highly emotional as they watched the white shadow walk closer. Their faces were ridden with joy and ease.

These two years they had lived tensely and could not find peace. After seeing Ling Xian however, the heavy rock that pressed down on their hearts finally fell to the ground.

To these people, Ling Xian was their savior and also their irreplaceable backbone.

After they heard about all the shocking events Ling Xian had achieved, Ling Xian had left a very deep impression on everyone. It was that he was profound and omnipotent.