The Discourse

The Sun had just rose, draping down soft and faint light that bathed the entire forest.

The wind blew softly as the bamboo leaves left the small branches and danced alongside the gentle wind.

Over hundreds of Zi Yang descendants stood tall and peered at the cottage. Their gazes were full of anticipation and excitement.

Without a doubt, they were waiting for Ling Xian.

Yesterday, Zi Hua Shang had told everyone about Ling Xian's plan to share his knowledge. Afterwards, these people were so excited they stayed up all night. They knew very well about Ling Xian's powerfulness and were well aware of the fact that he was a Favorite's Favorite who arrived at the completion level after becoming a foundational cultivator in the foundational level. They knew he was experienced in both levels.

Therefore, they were highly anticipating this and converged inside the Forest of the Purple Bamboo since early morning.