Watch out for your Head

It was noon. The Sun was shining down warm sunlight.

However, Li Jian's heart was cold. Everyone's heart was cold, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Everyone had now realized one thing. The Ling Xian before them was no longer the Heaven's Favorite from two years ago. He was now a completion levelled powerhouse!

Two years ago, Ling Xian was already powerful enough that nobody from the two forces could stop him, not even Li Jian. Despite that, he was merely a foundational levelled cultivator. He could be called a Heaven's Favorite, but not a powerhouse.

Two years had passed, Ling Xian had finally broken through and surpassed his own generation. He now possessed the title "powerhouse"!

"It is no wonder you are fearless and dared to enter my House in such a manner…" Li Jian's face was dark. Even though he knew he would most likely lose this matter, as the leader of the House, he could not be scared away.