Fragments of the Sixth Samsara

During the Archaic period, there was a valuable treasure not like any other.

The name of this treasure was the Wheel of the Sixth Samara. This object breaks all heavenly laws and possesses the ability to control the reincarnation of all beings. It could be described as insanely powerful and unmatchable in abilities. However, a long long time ago, this treasure was forcefully taken and broken. Now broken in countless number of fragments, the fragments are hidden in all kinds of corner in the Taoism world.

Before, Ling Xian found a fragment by luck. But he never believed that he could one day collect all the fragments – because that was simply far too unrealistic.

Even thought it was still unknown how many fragments the Wheel of the Sixth Samsara was broken into, based on Liao Cang Qiong's estimations, there shouldn't be more than 100. This is because the wheel itself is far too powerful to be smashed to over 100 pieces.