
Before the Ling palace, hundreds of silhouettes stood. Every one of them held expression of excitement and joy as they stared at Ling Xian.

It was the same way they looked at heroes.

Even the beautiful and flirtatious Luo Xin Jie was ignored by these people. They could only see one person, the person who they viewed as their respectable hero.

"Haha, Young Master Ling, you finally returned."

Ling Tian Xiao rushed from afar. Following him were Ling Tian Jiao, Ling Tian Ao and those important figures. Same as the Ling descendants, though they didn't idolize Ling Xian, they respected him.

Respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Remember that Ling Xian saved the entire Ling Clan from a crisis. A hero who turned the tide for the entire clan deserved the respect from everyone in the Ling Clan.

"I send my greetings, Clan Leader, Second Elder, Third Leader," Ling Xian faintly grinned as he formed one fist and cupped it with the other.