Long Time no See

On the third level of the Qizhen Pavilion, Ling Xian aggressively made his move and slapped away Wang Peng, the son of a rich man. He slammed him into the wall.

This scene created a dead silence.

Gong Suo Xin's lips were slightly parted as she stared at the sudden appearance of the black silhouette. Her beautiful eyes showed hints of shock and hints of appreciation. She was already desperate, thinking that she was about to be tainted. She didn't expect there to be someone halfway there who would help her slap away Wang Peng. How could she not feel thankful?

However, other than appreciation, there was also curiosity and worry. She was curious because she didn't recognize the person in black. She was worried because she didn't want to create trouble for this person.

After all, Wang Peng's background was far too powerful.