Spending Money as if it’s Dust

The giant Sun hung high in the sky, spraying down warm sunlight. However, it wasn't warm enough to melt the chill everyone felt on the inside.

Wang Teng Fei was bathed in anger as his stare grew even more violent. Killing Wang Peng before him was the same as slapping his face and slapping the Wang Clan's face!

However, he didn't dare to move. He didn't even dare to leave behind a rude statement.

From the way Ling Xian crisply killed Wang Peng, it became obvious that he did not fear the Wang Clan and would not hesitate to kill another one of them. Thus, where would Wang Teng Fei find the guts to do anything?

He had to swallow his anger no matter how unwilling he was!

"Let's go!"

Wang Teng Fei flapped around his sleeve. Without pausing, he left.

Seeing this, the armored guards exhaled in relief. They were terrified that Wang Teng Fei would be irrational due to anger and order them to kill Ling Xian. If that was the case, then none of them would be able to survive.