Shock and Anticipation

The Third Prince was a popular figure in the Zhou Dynasty. According to legends, when he was born, there were rainbows in the sky and lotuses grew out of the earth. He was born to be talented and fortunate.

He grew up not wasting anyone's high expectation. In his cultivation journey, he forged on proudly and loudly. Fending off everyone in his generation, he was known to be the tall mountain that nobody his generation can surpass!

In the entire world, the Third Prince could be considered one of the strongest in his generation. Yet, he was killed by a cultivator in the intermediate stage of the completion level. How could the people in the Zhou Dynasty not feel shocked?

When these people heard the news that the emperor personally attacked the murderer yet the murderer still got away, they were even more shocked. Shocked to a point of no return!

At once, the words Ling Xian once again echoed throughout the Zhou Dynasty and his name shone like the Sun in the sky!