Happiness All Around

"I, disciple, Ling Xian, formally greet the Supreme Headmaster."

A bright voice rose. Though the volume of the voice was not loud, it acted like a bomb that startled the entire Wan Jian House.

Ling… Ling Xian?

The multi-talented genius that rattled Yunzhou?

As if struck by lightning, everyone's brain went blank and stared at Ling Xian with their stagnant eyes. They lost all abilities to think.

After a very long time, they finally snapped back to reality and breathed in cold air.

"What? He is the Heaven's Favorite that broke the silence of our Drum of Eternity?"

"The Heaven's Favorite who used foundational strength to defeat the completion might?"

"Haha, the person who killed the Third Prince and escaped the emperor came to our House!"

Everyone chimed in. they truly could not believe that the prominent young man before them was the heaven defying cultivator that caused a chaos on Yunzhou!