A Bloody Battle

Inside the grand hall, Ling Xian was being attacked by six different powerhouses. Blood dripped down his chin.

The powerfulness of it all was too great even for him. He couldn't defend completely and was heavily injured.

After all, he was a person, not an omnipotent God.

The six powerhouses against him were all Heaven's Favorites with many achievements. In the entire world, they were top talents. Any single one of them could fight against Ling Xian solo and draw against him.

These powerhouses were all colluding and attacking together. There wasn't just one or two of them, there were six of them. Who would be able to defend?

Even real immortals of the same level cannot because of the uneven numbers. The stone man, Xue Yu Chan, the nine headed lion and others… which one of them could not dominate someone from their own generation?

Any single one of them, if stood out by himself, could knock out his opponent!