Powerhouses of all Kinds

The Sun was hanging in mid sky – it was noon.

The Valley of the Falling Moon was utterly silent. It appeared just like an artwork on paper – noiseless.

Just like the calm before a violent storm, hidden beneath this tranquility was pure anger and killer's intent!

In midair, shadow after shadow was standing tall and straight. Each and every one of them looked as profound as the ocean and were emitting an intense amount of Qi. Just like the Gods who sit above all nine levels of Heaven, everyone was peering down from above.

These spiritual beings were all different kinds from all over Yunzhou. Every single one of them was a powerhouse, and the weakest one of them was of the advanced stage of the intermediate level. Within the group were a commanding golden roc, a giant six-armed gorilla, a dominating nine-headed lion, and many other powerhouses from various different kinds.

Though all of these beings belonged to a different kind, their end goal was the same.