The Demon Making a Move

The Sun hung high in the sky, shedding down an infinite amount of sunlight.

Ling Xian bore both of his wings as he glided across the sky like an arrow that just left the bow – the speed of his movement was alarming.

However, the spiritual beings behind him were all capable beings and were chasing after him closely. They were somewhat keeping up with him.

This result was what Ling Xian wanted. Since the beginning, he had no plan to really escape from everyone, he was planning on luring these spiritual beings to a more secluded place so he can kill everyone at once.

"Hehe, give up. I sure want to see where you piece of trash can escape to!"

The golden roc snickered coldly as both of its wings began to shine brightly. They solidified into an eternal Sun that pressed down onto Ling Xian.

"Piece of trash?"