Slapped in the Face Again

Before the Mountain of a Thousand Spiritual Medicine, a sword of three inches long and one inch wide appeared on Ling Xian's right hand and was tightly engulfed by the silver flame.

This meant he had completed the second test. It also meant he was about to slap everyone in the face again.

To him, the difficulty level of the second level was lower than the first.

Don't forget, he has been brewing medicinal Dans for years and most of them are higher than the fifth rank. This alone was enough to prove his mastery over flame manipulation.

To him, melting the Fire Testing Stone into a small sword was not a difficult task.

"Hong Zhuang Luo, Cao Yu, I am here to slap you in the face."

Ling Xian's lips curled into a faint smile. He stood up and uttered out a statement that shocked the entire place.

"Cao Clan Leader, I have molded the Fire Testing Stone into a small sword, please inspect it."

Just then, everyone shuddered and shifted their gaze onto Ling Xian in unison.