Astonishing the Path of Crafts

Inside the room, Ling Xian's expression was calm as he casually looked for the page of missions related to crafts.

Though he belonged to the path of crafts, his way of making crafts largely differed from the traditional way. Plus, he had no knowledge regarding crafts the way others did, as he could not answer even the simplest questions asked by Dong Fang Yu. Therefore, he didn't have much hope about succeeding with missions related to arrays.

To put it bluntly, he had no confidence.

However, after he randomly accepted a low leveled mission, his spirit was immediately lifted.

The general prompt of this mission was similar to those of the alchemy missions. Different than the questions he thought they would be, the mission asked him to design a craft.

The requirements were that it must be small and easy to maneuver, it must be delicate and be suitable to be worn by a lady. As for realm… the ninth realm would do. It would also have to be useful for defense.