A Promise

At the bottom of the volcano, Ling Xian's expression was calm. His black hair and his white robe fluttered softly, exuding a repressive and threatening vibe.

Above his head suspended a flaming red pearl. It shed down a soft ray of light that made him look like the descendant of the God of Fire. Flames of all kinds curved around him and avoided him.

"I have finally reached the peak of the completion level."

The corner of Ling Xian's lips curled up. He then slowly formed a fight with his right hand and punched forward.


This throw pierced through the air and caused thunders to rumble. The space between him crumbled down and revealed a giant black hole.

This punch was thrown without the slightest Qi and was purely made out of physical strength. Despite this, he still managed to crush everything before him. This alone proved just how powerful he was now!