Insane Speed

The giant Sun was shedding down an infinite amount of light.

On top of the field, Ling Xian was breaking arrays with lifts of arms as he strolled through room after room. Every time he flapped around his sleeve, an array was lifted. Every time he took a step, he was in the next room.

His casual and at ease behavior was as if he wasn't here participating in a contest, but was taking a stroll in his backyard.

This made everyone at the scene a little startled. Only after a while did people began to scream.

"Who is this person? How is he breaking arrays in such a fast speed?"

"Yeah, I've never even seen that man. But since the competition started, three hours have passed and how come I never noticed there was such an insane person?"

"None of this makes any sense. For someone with such a speed, why is he only at the 100th room?"

"There is only one explanation. That person had just entered the rooms so none of us noticed."