The Reveal of Identity

On the field, Ling Xian wore all white and stood tall and proud inside the 756th room. He shone like the undying Sun, emitting a dizzying amount of light that lit up all nine levels of heaven and all 10 levels of hell.

Because he was now standing in the last room, which meant he had won the winning title for the Path of Arrays!

This was why, before everyone's eyes, he was shining for miles and was incomparably bright!

With Ta Ba Feng as his juxtaposition, Ling Xian's shine was even more blinding. It was as if he was the only being in the world who was emitting light and was attracting everyone's gaze.

Who was Ta Ba Feng?

He was the one in a million talented Heaven's Favorite who's name was well known in Yuezhou!

First, Ling Xian caught up to him in the competition. Then, he fell so far behind. The gap between them was obvious and large.

Especially now, Ling Xian was standing inside the last room while Ta Ba Feng stood inside the 530th. What did this represent?