The Cliff of Enlightenment

The Cliff of Enlightenment was located south of the Shang Qing Sect. It was equivalent to Heaven for the locals.

Therefore, the borders were never easily opened. Even the places around it have many restrictions.

Only those with the Token of Enlightenment were allowed to enter and enjoy everything the place had to offer.

Currently, the Sun had just rose, shedding down gold light that reflected off the mountain ranges.

Ling Xian rode the clouds to get there.

His white robe was fluttering in the wind and his black hair was tussling. He looked just like a real immortal; out of the world and extremely talented.

Just as he was getting ready to land on top of a mountain peak. His entire being was suddenly tied down by a strange force and he couldn't move even an inch.

However, Ling Xian was not flustered. He knew very well that an important place like the Cliff of Enlightenment was heavily guarded.