Overcoming the Inner Demon

"Are you sure you can steal my talent just like that?"

Ling Xian's words were sarcastic as he stared directly at Yu Wu Xiu. The inner demon in him was disappearing.

"I really hate how you are looking like you don't care when you are clearly trapped."

Yu Wu Xiu's brows were quivering. But very quickly, they relaxed and she smiled. "But very soon I won't need to look at your annoying face."

"Same for me as well. I am going to forget you completely."

Ling Xian softly smiled. "Come at me. Show me your Pearl of Opportunity and try and see if you can take my talent."

"I don't know where you are getting your confidence from."

Yu Wu Xiu revealed a taunting smile. No longer hesitating, she activated the Pearl of Opportunity.

Immediately, the black and white pearl began to emit light and an eerier aura. They tightly bounded Ling Xian and then next, a mysterious force descended down and attempted to strip him of his talent.