The Secret of the City of Sin

In the sky, Ling Xian's black hair was draped down freely and his white robe was dyed with blood. Like the leader of demons, his killer's intent was shocking.

Yet his demon-like composure did not generate any fear in the citizens of the City of Sin. To them, Ling Xian was not a demon, but a protective God!

He protected the City of Sin and protected everyone from harm.

Therefore, the entire City of Sin was boiling. Their cheering was howling like the ocean, shocking the sky.

Everyone was cheering crazily as if expressing their joy of escaping death, as well as applauding their undefeatable leader.

All gazes were fixated on Ling Xian. They were staring with respect and fanaticism as if looking at a God.

"It's over."

Hearing everyone's cheering, Ling Xian revealed a relaxed smile. The anger in his heart disappeared at once.

Elder Lan had died. This meant all the invaders have been killed. Naturally, his anger disappeared and he relaxed.