A Secret and the House Name

On the third level of the pavilion.

Ling Xian was just about to close an ancient book when his peripheral vision caught a few lines of words that made him frown.

The Palace of Fortune, the Immortal Palace, the Great Mausoleum, and the World of Immortality.

Written below these four location's names, were five cities' names. They were: The Guardian City, the Angelic City, the Sacred City, the Harmonious City, and the final one, the Endeavoring City.

Though these few lines were limited in content and looked very unimportant – the names seem connected and looked very profound.

Ling Xian frowned slightly as he stared at the names of these places, unable to make sense of what they mean. Could it be that it was trying to tell people that these places exist?

That was a possibility. But his sixth sense told him that all nine of these places are full of secrets. And these places must be connected to one another.