Uproar and Breakthrough

The City of Sin disappeared.

Such simple words created a shocking wave that washed over the Yuezhou at an insane speed.

Though the name City of Sin does not sound as bright or loud as the last era, it was still one of the 10 ancient cities and was one of the cities that the majority of people knew of. Therefore, after learning about this news, they were shocked to a point of no return.

Remember that the City of Sin was built with heavenly gold as well as more than 10 different heavenly materials. Therefore, its defensive properties were next level strong.

Though after so much time, its defensive array has been destroyed, its foundation was still there, who could change it? Who could make it disappear?

Yet before their eyes, the ancient city that stood for hundred thousands of years actually disappeared. Why wouldn't everyone feel shocked at this?

After all the shock, the entire Yuezhou boiled.